Raising children is an ever evolving, keep you guessing, one-new-things-after-another endeavor. This is especially true of raising an oldest child. Each cross roads is new and uncharted territory. So when Helmut was planning his schedule for his senior year, I was somewhat at a loss. He begged me to let him take an early release period. He didn't need the credit for graduation, but I didn't like the idea of him coming home early for no good reason. Plus, he is Josh's ride home from school, so the logistics didn't really work. That left some big holes in his schedule that he was free to fill with whatever looked interesting to him in the course catalog. So he chose Art I: Drawing/Painting.
I think he has really enjoyed it, for the most part. I have heard some murmuring. Something about, "I don't like someone else telling me what I can and cannot draw." But overall, I think he likes it. His most recent assignment was a painted abstract sculpture to be entered in the Texas Art Education Association's competition, the Visual Arts Scholastic Event. He worked on it for weeks and weeks, including some really late nights painting it (and he HATES staying up past his bedtime!). At the event Helmut would be interviewed and his piece would be judged. If his sculpture received a "4", it would move onto that area competition. Helmut not only entered a piece, he worked at the event all day. His sculpture received a four! It didn't make it past the area competition, but he came home wearing a snazzy medal. And who doesn't like a snazzy medal?