For those who don't already know, my niece Jordan is a super smarty pants. She takes all her school work extremely seriously, and has the grades to show for it. For the last two years, she has competed for her high school in the UIL literary criticism category. This year, she made it all the way to the final State competition in Austin. I tagged along with Sarah and Becca for the day of fun in our glorious state capitol.
Besides the visit to the University of Texas campus where the competition took place, we also made our way to South Congress Avenue. It's the happening place where all the hipster folks go to hang out. I did my best to try to blend in, but I am sure I stuck out like the uptight Mormon mom that I am. We perused some fun vintage shops and had a tasty lunch at an organic, vegan-friendly restaurant named The Snack Bar. It was definitely a good time. I can't wait to go back when I have more time.
I didn't get a ton of pics (because we were short on time and it was hot, which makes me cranky), but here's what I got.